Tuesday, September 23, 2014

So sad

Just sharing a blog post from another blog. Sad when people think they are above the law. Sad how much it affects the entire adoption community. No adoptive parent should ever take the law into their hands. This is just not right.


Thursday, September 18, 2014


According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary

sac·ri·fice  noun \ˈsa-krə-ˌfīs, also -fəs or -ˌfīz\
: the act of giving up something that you want to keep especially in order to get or do something else or to help someone

When I consider that God asks for us to give up certain things in our lives for him, I often wonder about my sacrifice. Is it really a sacrifice? 

I found this on Pinterest and I wanted to give credit but couldn't figure out
how to make the picture show up here so i am including the link below.

Our family has given up many things that typical American families enjoy.

  • Cable TV (70% of all American households have cable tv subscription)
  • Our second car (Average American household owns 2.28 cars). Matt rides his bike which saves us on gas and insurance. We will probably get a second vehicle when our kids come home.
  • We generally only eat out once a month (usually Chick-fil-a). Average American household eats out 1-3 times per week.
  • For birthdays, we are celebrating as a family and having a friend over for a meal. We will have parties for milestone birthdays and keep party costs to under $50.
  • For Christmas, One gift of clothes, one book and one game to play as a family. One year we even did new batteries in all of the old toys- my kids still talk about that Christmas and how neat it was.
  • Tithe- we give 10% of our income back
I am not pointing these things out to make us seem so great or to tell you we think you should make them too...

Once our family adjusted to the new changes in our lifestyle, it was just a way of life. We weren't really sacrificing anymore....

This is where I am wondering, where I need your comments, I want your feedback...
Are any of the things listed above really a sacrifice after we have adjusted to our new way of life? When we are comfortable with where we are, is there another step to take in our sacrifices?

NONE of these things "earn" us a way to heaven, because that is only through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross and we know that. But is there a call to be sacrificial with our lifestyle to pour blessings out on other people through the blessings God has given us? All of our family's sacrifices have ultimately saved us money. When the discomfort is gone, do we have a duty to find a new way to sacrifice? 

Money is not the only sacrifice that can be made. Time is another huge sacrifice. 

What are some ways that you sacrifice time as a family to God? This is a place we can (and want to) improve. 

Are there other sacrifices that you are making along with your family? What are they? 

We love to share ideas with others. Hearing your family's testimony may have an impact on my family or someone else's family who may read this.