Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Have you ever had a reoccurring dream? One that comes back night after night? Makes you want the dream to either go away or come true? I have been having that dream for the past two weeks. My heart is longing to go back to Uganda. Every night I have dreamt about...

 Inviting guest houses and cool evenings
...Red dirt roads and kids playing nearby...
 ...Tropical scenery and black and white curbs.
  I am even longing to help wash diapers and baby clothes...
 and certainly longing to paint little toes and loving on kiddos....
 ...seeing mountain tops...
 ...and valleys low...
 Bustling market places and boda-boda drivers...
 making paper beads with the community ladies...
 Mud houses and loving families
 farming to come
 jack fruit at a picnic

 Ginger soda called "Stoney" made by Coca-Cola company...

I miss beans and posho

But most of all...

I miss the people


I miss hearing them laugh...hearing them sing...seeing them Experiencing them worship and glorify the Lord. I can't wait to go back. These kids changed me more than I can put to words. I miss them all so much. 

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