Sunday, June 10, 2012

Taekwondo; Dan &Family

Noah did about 6 classes of Taekwondo at a studio here in Gainesville. Evan joined him for several classes, but in the end we did not join the studio. He had fun and did learn to count to 10 in Korean while he was there

Dan, Lynn and Amara came to visit in February. We went to the Santa Fe Zoo, to Two-tails Ranch, celebrated Valentine's Day with heart-shaped pizza (Dan &Lynn's tradition), and had other fun times hanging out at our house. Amara eventually adjusted to having more noise stimuli than she is used to and was able to make it through meal time with not too many tears. Sorry your cousins have the tendency to make sudden outbursts, Amara.
 Foster and Uncle Dan modeling Oven Mitts
 Dan and his valentine!
 Dan Bolin Family with heart-shaped pizza!

Skillet cookie! This picture was in with the rest. I cannot remember having Searby's over while Dan and Lynn were in town, but we must have. That is the trouble with not keeping up on the blog...oh well.

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